- 拨动开关
- 轻触开关
- 按键自锁开关
- 按钮开关
- USB插座
- 五向开关
- DC电源插座
- 耳机插座插口
- 检测开关·复位开关
- 震动开关·滚珠开关
- 直键开关.推动开关
- 旋转编码开关
- 微动开关
- 船型开关
- DC插座,耳机母座
- 门锁开关·门扣开关
- 键盘开关·机械开关
- 电源开关·大电流开关
- 钮子开关/摇柄开关
- 叶片开关
- 手电筒按钮开关
- 防水开关,防水微动开关
- 拨码开关.DIP开关
- 手机弹片电池座
- 笔记本连接器
- RCA铜芯插座
- 电位器
- S端子接口
- AC插座
- HDMI母座
- LED带灯模组芯片
- MPC端子
- XLR插座
- XLR音响组合插座
- DS插座
- DIN插头
- AV-S端子
- 接线端子座连接器
- 针座
- FPC连接器
- 推荐产品
- 开关键帽
- BTB板对板
- RJ45网络插座
轻触开关, 按键开关,滑动开关,拨动开关,检测开关,等开关产品的注意事项与使用条件。
4. Precaution注意事项 4.1 Soldering condition 浸焊条件
Preheat temperature
预热温度 110ºC max (Embilomental temperature of soldering surface of P. W. E)
110ºC 以下(印刷基板焊锡面周围的温度)
Preheat time
预热时间 60 sec, max
60 秒以内
Area of flux
助焊剂的面积 1/2 max of P. W. B. thickness
印刷基板厚度的1/2 以内
Temperature of solder
焊锡温度 255ºC max
255ºC 以下
Time of immersion
浸焊时间 Within 5 sec
5 秒以内
Soldering number
浸焊次数 Within 2 times (But should bring down heat of the first soldering)
2 次以内 (但应把第一次焊锡的温度降下来)
Printed wiring board
印刷基板 Single sided copper-clad laminates
单面铜箔(1) After switches were soldered, please be careful not to clean switches with solvent
(2) In the case of using soldering iron, soldering conditions shall be 280ºC max and 3 sec. max
在使用铬铁的情况下,焊锡温度应在300ºC 以下、3 秒以内.
(3) Right after switches were soldered; please be careful not to load on the knobs of switches.
4. 2 Design instructions(设计中应注意的事项)
(1) Follow recommended P. W. B. piercing plan in outside drawing page.
(2) Design key top as fig. Design inclination of key top 4 deg. max as fig.
(Recommended operating condition.)
击键部设计如图,击键部倾斜度如图在4 度以内. (参见操作条件).
4.3 Note(注意点)
(1) Please be cautious not to give excessive static load or shock to switches.
(2) Please be careful not to pile up P. W. B. after switches were soldered.
(3) Preservation under high temperature and high humidity or corrosive gas should be avoided
especially. When you need to preserve for a long period, do not open the carton.
(4) Panasert RH and RH6 shall be used as the standard insert machine (use N type clinch).
使用标准插入机器PANASERT 和RH6(使用N 式钉)
(5) Preservation under high temperature and high humidity or corrosive gas should be avoided especially, when
you need to preserve for a long period, do not open the carton.